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Share204.10.2021 13:55:02
Share305.10.2021 20:24:56
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Share405.10.2021 20:45:12
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Share505.10.2021 20:45:53
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Share605.10.2021 21:17:50
all round edges:
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Share705.10.2021 22:47:13
code for ^:
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Share805.10.2021 22:49:01
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Share1003.11.2021 00:05:15
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Share1117.11.2021 17:21:16
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Share1609.12.2021 14:21:08
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Share1809.12.2021 20:34:25
current - green arrows
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Share2112.12.2021 11:31:49
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Share2424.12.2021 22:00:56
Morning rituals, without which you cannot imagine your morning.
I have a lot of dogs, I don't spend the morning without Shanti kissing in the face, Masaru also runs up to me to cheer up. They follow me on my heels and watch what I do. Then, there is no morning without a mug of tea. Tea - green, according to the mood. What year my morning does not pass without turning on the First channel, Good morning ... Grandma hoisted me to turn on the TV.
You are the leading legend. What role does time management play in a career?
Many people joke that I have a teleport. My mom does this a lot. She paints everything. It's impossible to remember everything, especially on New Year's holidays, because everyone suddenly starts calling somewhere, a show, a lot of things. Mom decided not to bother me with these questions, she writes everything herself and says: Alina, you have such and such an event on such and such a date. She helps me a lot.
Do you have the opportunity to say: that's it, am I having a day off today or not?
Of course, sometimes I want to say so, My conscience does not allow me to do this, because the whole day I will think: here I could do this and that, but instead I am sitting on the sofa, and I immediately have remorse. And you can't do that.
You are the owner of three historical records among adults and five among juniors, you are a legend of FC, in general of sports. Do you have leadership qualities that allow you to be a legend, facilitate communication with peers or interfere? When a strong-willed girl is friends, sometimes misunderstandings in communication probably arise?
Probably not, because in life I am different. I want to go to the goals, but I understand that all people are different, and with whom I am friends, we still have a share of similarities. With some people, since we have different characters, different lifestyles, people sometimes do not agree on some points, but I haven’t had this yet. I communicate with people calmly.
Guys, who are you friends with, from a sports community or completely different people?
More from sports, but at the university where I study there is a friend. I have friends who were involved in sports in the past, but still, sports are present in their lives, and they once had a life before sports.
If a person does not play sports, could you communicate with him, or only with those who are involved?
I'm interested with people. It seems to me that this is complete nonsense: "Now, if you are friends with me, you should go in for sports," there is no such thing.
You are a very attractive, beautiful girl, we follow your performance with an open mouth, how important is appearance for an athlete and a real leader, or is it not important now, the main thing is strong-willed qualities?
Now is such an era that it doesn't matter how you look, how you feel, what you do, because everything has merged, and people are charismatic, charisma is the main thing. I know many people who are less attractive outwardly, but they have such a charisma that shines from the inside. Appearance is not important.
You always look gorgeous. You could afford to go to the shooting, go to the training session "I didn't wash my head, nothing" or beauty rituals - this is important, self-care.
Even when I was little, I would tint my eyes, then my marigolds.
Yes. Always be well groomed. When I moved to Moscow ... coach Eteri Georgievna is watching this. She didn’t tell me: “You need to put on makeup now,” but she told some girls: “You need to tint your eyelashes, and always in training, if you look good, it’s nice to work with you.” From that moment I looked at the girls to whom she says this, and I: "Yeah, tomorrow I will tint my eyelashes" (Understood) She instilled in me - to always be well-groomed from head to toe. I remember after arriving in Japan (there were long flights, meeting cameras), she said to wear makeup. I painted on the plane.
Do you enjoy it, do you feel that this is a part of your life or is it a necessary measure, because you are always in public?
No, I like it, I even ran to the store before training and bought myself lipstick and shadows. I had very little time, but I somehow found him to put on makeup, get my hair done, I immediately feel more cheerful.
What things are in your purse, besides your mobile, documents? Without what do you not leave the house?
These are perfume, headphones.
Have a favorite scent? A lot, I'm in search of my own scent, always changing something. Headphones. I love big bags, I just carry and think: "Damn, what is it for me?" and carry. There skates can be found when I run from rehearsal to rehearsal, training clothes.
Those. can you leave home for a week and feel comfortable?
Yes, i.e. huge cosmetic bag, something else.
Ritual items, baubles?
Yes, but it's a secret.
Do you have time for things outside of sports, reading or watching a movie?
I'm on the plane downloading a movie or trying to read a book. Why am I trying? If I don’t read a book in one day, then I’ll just put it aside, forget it, bookmark it and that's it. Those. if you don’t read every day, then the plot is forgotten and becomes uninteresting? Yes.
When I read, I often fall asleep .. - Class. - Then I reread it again, dol
Share2524.12.2021 22:01:25
I can’t finish reading. .. Do you have the same story?
I am currently studying at the university, so I read. But sometimes I buy a book and decide to read inside and out, but my poor quality is that I don’t know how to do that to the end. - I understand you well, because sometimes it happens to me too, bored, tired, schedule ..
What can you advise from what you read?
"Do not ssy", "Do not whine", there it explains in understandable, not confused language, a psychological book. No need to bother with details, just let it pass. - Catching Zen. - I am such a person - they will tell me something, and I am on myself, and then I scroll, I cannot let go for a long time and it eats me up morally. It got better after that book. This is such a problem that I let go.
Read the book and we will be easier to relate to the problems.
Now it's fashionable to watch TV series. What TV shows did you like?
Squid game. From the films - I'm watching New Year's already, this is Home Alone. Every New Year, it seems to me, everyone does it. - In terms of popularity, he bypasses the Irony of Fate. - I do not know. I also watch the Irony of Fate. Parents turn on, I used to look, it is not interesting, but with age you understand the essence and it is interesting. Then the Grinch and the Yolki, everyone is watching. I'm waiting for the new film Yolki. I love to watch on New Year's Eve.
When you go headlong into work, sports, holidays fly by, and you don't have time to feel this mood. how do you create it for yourself?
The last two years I have been running shows, winter ones. Last year I had the 31st and this 31st show, only in St. Petersburg. Then I was with my parents, now I will be alone to celebrate the New Year. - You are something sad. - Well, that's work. Of course, something atmospheric leaves when I was worried for a week, the New Year is coming soon. But in sports we have the Czech Republic on New Year's Eve, you think, this is the Czech Republic, you need to get together, and then, suddenly: how is the New Year already? You yourself need to create a holiday: put up a Christmas tree, buy something.
If you are not with your family, there is your team, have they become close people?
Yes, we have been together for so much time, two months in Sochi, together at work. They call me for a walk, but I'm not a party person at all, so after the show I feel like an old grandmother, it's better to just lie down, wash, lie in the bath, watch TV shows. There is little time for this.
What would you do if not for sports and television?
I would go to rhythmic gymnastics. My mother is both in figure skating and in gymnastics, such an interesting story was. I went in for figure skating, went to the HG, and since I constantly had rolling, general physical training, additional classes, she said, we just go to stretching for figure skating. But a month passed, and I stopped going to FC altogether. And I just thought it was necessary, to remove the FC for the time being. And when she asked: is everything with FC? She: Yes. I burst into tears. And she shoved me back there, and I threw HG.
What about something else?
I probably would have thought that I could become an actress. But when I was little, I was very shy. Sport made me such that I opened up to some extent. It goes with time. When I was in Izhevsk, I once passed by the children, they were handing out leaflets, I asked how much money they pay for this, they: 100 rubles. I thought: hurry up to 14 years, and I will distribute flyers (laughs). This is also work, people earn money.
What genre would you like to act in?
In the comedy, in the same Yolki, there is a cool plot. I watched so many things that the names are forgotten, and from the plots comedy and fantasy.
Gentlemen, young producers, we have a young talented actress (playfully) ..
At the age of 19, you have a great influence on the audience, millions of people follow you, get inspired. Do you feel the responsibility of a champion leader?
Yes. I didn’t understand this before. I thought: how can I influence a person, he has his own head on his shoulders. But, on the other hand, I understand that if a person is an idol, and you look at him, at some point he flips and thinks: you have to do as she does. When I do something, and they: wow, I have to do it too. I jumped on a bungee in Sochi and many people: I
scary, but I want it too.
Did you motivate, inspire you to take an extreme action?
Yes, but all the same, each person should think as he wants.
You can be inspired, but not necessarily do what the idol is. - Yes, you have to want to do something yourself. I am for it. - Be inspired by Alina, but don't do it yourself. And there are people you follow who motivate you.
I have a lot of people like that. I try not to completely imitate, I take from each person those qualities that I like and turn over to myself. But you have to be as you feel yourself, and not pretend to be another person.
Golden words, but it's hard. We are in the information field and there are cool people around and thanks to social networks it always seems that they are your close friends, although we may even be strangers. Is it easy to lose yourself, your true face? How to understand where the real you are, and where is that from the outside?
It is very difficult, in this world many people are drawn into the desire to imitate someone. Many people play, such an era. I have had many situations, I am a media person, I go to all sorts of events, there are people, I will not say who, I am for
Share2624.12.2021 22:01:45
I followed these people. - On the Internet, you saw them ... - And I thought: "Wow," and these are completely different people on the Internet and in life.
I started from the bottom, achieved everything myself, I don’t forget that. And if I wanted to do something like that, my parents let me down. I thought: "What the hell are they teaching me?" And now I understand that it was right. It's good that at some point they said "stop". - It came to me at 25 that my parents were right, before that "no, I know everything myself"
This is a common problem. - Infantilism. And who is your greatest reference point - your parents and your coach?
In total. Together we reached all the victories. Eteri Georgievna prompted, and her parents, when she got off the ice, prompted.
When does an athlete need to finish, or sports with you forever, or stop?
Do not know. Sport is always with you, all your life. Once you start playing sports, you cannot quit. I see people write on Instagram: “I started to play sports thanks to you and I still continue to do it,” I think it's impossible to quit sports. You wake up sluggish, you don't want to go to workout, but if you overcame yourself, went out to run for literally 10 minutes, then you yourself will want to do something else. And then you have cheerfulness for the whole day.
Something hurts, temperature, and I go out on the ice, and I feel better.
Advice that will allow you to get up when you feel bad, you want to lie in bed, but you have to get up and go?
I think it depends on the person. I, too, may not want to, "Leave me alone" - I can say so, I am a person first of all. You need to understand what needs to be done on this day and say to yourself: "Get up and walk."
Let's be inspired by such wonderful people as Alina. You motivate with your victories, broadcasting.
Share2801.01.2022 07:06:24
Истории чемпионок от Алины Загитовой
Share2904.01.2022 12:04:19
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